Spieler:UNSC Marine Corps/Flotten Admiral Sir Terrence Hood

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Lord Terrence Hood
Persönliche Informationen
  • Erde
  • Mensch
  • 2492
  • Flotten Admiral
  • männlich
  • 1.55 Meter
  • Cairo Station
  • und viele andere UNSC Schiffe
  • Weiß
  • Blau
  • United Nations Space Command
    • UNSC Navy

"We will take our city back. And drive our enemy into the grave they've been so happily digging." - Lord Terrence Hood, zu UNSC Marines vor der Schlacht von Voi.

Fleet Admiral Sir Terrence Hood ist der Anführer des UNSC, Flaggoffizier der UNSC Navy und der kommandierende Offizier der UNSC Heimatflotte.



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Lord Hood bei seiner letzten Kommunikation mit dem Krähennest.

Admiral Hood (oder Lord Hood) ist der Vorsitzende des HIGHCOM Security Committee und der kommandierende Offizier über alle UNSC Defense Forces im Jahr 2552. Er kommandiert die planetare Verteidigung, von der ODA-142 Kairo Station aus.

Fleet Admiral Lord Terrence Hood ist ein Mitglied des UNSC Security Committee und ist der Chef der Navy Operationen. Es wird gesagt, er habe eine anweisende und kräftige Stimme. Er respektiert die SPARTANS sehr, nicht nur wegen ihrer Erfolge, sondern sie retteten zweimal sein Leben. Zu Beginn von Halo 2, Admiral Hood verlieh John-117, Sergeant Johnson, und Miranda Keyes Medalien an Bord der Kairo Station. In Halo: Geister von Onyx, Hood nahm er eine ungewöhnliche Anfrage von Dr. Halsey an, mit der Bitte ihr Spartaner zuschicken, und schickte Fred-104, Will-043, und Linda-058 nach Onyx. In Halo 3, kommandiert Hood die gesamte Erd-Verteidigung, mit der Unterstützung von Commander Miranda Keyes, welche ihm selbst berichtete. Er akzeptierte das Bündnis mit den Eliten (Sangheili), ist aber nicht glücklich darüber. Er kommandierte die menschlichen Streitkräfte die das Schlachtschiff vom Propheten der Wahrheit angriffen, aber der Angriff schlug fehl als das Blutsväter Artefakt unter Mombassa aktiviert wurde, welches ein Portal zur Arche generierte. Als der Master Chief, Keyes, und etliche Elite und menschliche Kräfte dem Prohpeten durch das Portal folgten, entschied er zurück zubleiben und die Erde bis zum Letzten zu verteidigen.

Vor der ersten Schlacht der Erde

Hood trat dem UNSCDF in einem noch unbekannten Jahr bei, und während seiner Karriere, erhielt er viele Auszeichnungen, darunter die UNSC Medal of Honor, das Purple Heart, den Navy "E" Ribbon, und die Navy und Marine Corps Medallie zusammen mit einer Reihe anderer Auszeichnungen und Belobigungen. In seinem Dienst wurde sein Leben zweimal von den Spartanern-II gerettet. Sein Leben und vor seiner Karriere ist vollkommen unbekannt, aber es ist gut möglich dass er bereits vor dem ersten Angriff der Allianz zum Oberkommandierenden des UNSC wurde. Er arbeitete sich hoch zum Flotten Admiral, diente im UNSC Security Committee und war anwesend als Lieutenant Wagner seinen Bericht über den Angriff und den Fall von Reach präsentierte.

First Battle of Earth

In October 2552 Admiral Hood presented Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy John-117 , Sergeant Major Avery Johnson, and Commander Miranda Keyes (for her father Captain Jacob Keyes) with medals aboard Cairo Station for their actions on Installation 04. Lord Hood was in overall command during the First Battle of Earth, when Prophet of Regret's fleet attacked Earth. This is made clear when he orders Fleet Admiral Harper to defend the Cairo, Athens, and Malta stations instead of attacking the Covenant ships directly.

During November 2, 2552, Hood recieved a transmission from Catherine Halsey, piggy-backed by Cortana's update to command and was requested to send Spartans to Onyx. Hood obliged by ordering Spartans 104, 058, and 043 to the planet.

Second Battle of Earth

"Master Chief, you mind telling me what you're doing on that ship?" - Lord Hood discovers the Chief's return to Earth "Sir...finishing this fight." - John-117

200px-Hood_Pelican.jpg Hood grimly watches Miranda Keyes and the Master Chief as his D77H-TCI Pelican leaves the Shadow of Intent's hangar just before the team enters the Slipspace portal.

Later, during The Second Battle of Earth he is seen commanding the defense of Earth aboard a damaged Cairo Station as he finds out that Master Chief is aboard the High Prophet of Truth's Forerunner flagship. He asks the Chief what he was doing aboard the (Forerunner) ship. The Chief replies, "Sir, finishing this fight.Halo 2 During the Battle of Voi, the UNSC forces on Earth have been stretched to their limits during John-117's absence. Hood only has a few units fighting the Covenant. In addition, Hood kept several units in reserve including UNSC Frigates, single-ship fighters and several elements of ground forces.

After John-117 and a selection of Marines are able to shut down Covenant AA defenses, Hood launched an attack on the Ark Portal with all his available assets. He fails, however, and the Prophet of Truth is able to activate the spatial rift to Installation 00, far outside the Milky Way galaxy. It is important to note that if the the Human ships had succeeded in destroying the Forerunner ship it is likely that only the Flood would have made it to the Ark, thus the Flood would have won.

Schlacht um die Arche

200px-Handshake-large.jpg Lord Hood und Thel 'Vadam händeschüttelnd am Hillside Memorial. Ein Zeichen des Friedens zwischen Menschen und den Sangheili.

At the end of the Battle of Voi, Hood appears to have little faith in Cortana's "solution", and believes that following Truth through the portal could possibly turn out to be a Flood or one of the Gravemind's traps. However, this could be due to the fact that he has never fought the Flood before, and reluctantly authorizes Miranda Keyes to enter the Portal once Arbiter Thel 'Vadam comments that if Cortana is wrong, then the battle would already be lost. Hood then departs the Sangheili Carrier, Shadow of Intent in a D77H-TCI Pelican before it, along with all other Covenant Separatists ships, make for the portal. His decision to remain at Earth was a sign that he would fight for it until the end, and he was just as sure that he would die protecting it.

His last appearance in the series to date is in the final cut-scene of Halo 3, where he conducts the memorial service near the city of Voi, Kenya and the Portal. He states that he cannot forgive the Sangheili for what he and the rest of the Covenant had done at the beginning of the war, but thanks Thel 'Vadam for standing by the Master Chief John-117 and the UNSC until the end. The allies then depart, ready to rebuild their home planets. But unknown to both of them, the Master Chief and Cortana had survived.



  • His Command Neural Interface port is clearly visible at the back of his head.
  • Hood was voiced by Hollywood actor Ron Perlman in Halo 2 and in Halo 3. His appearance is closely based on Perlman's.
  • Hood is said to be both a Lord and a Knight. This is unusual as under the British system of peerages, when one is made a peer, the title of Lord supersedes that of Knight in a formal address.
  • Lord Hood's flagship is said to be the Forward Unto Dawn, which he bestowed to Commander Miranda Keyes prior to the Covenant Separatists and UNSC forces going through the Ark's portal.
  • Lord Hood's name is most likely based upon Admiral Hood who fought Napoleon at the Battle of Toulouse.
  • Lord Hood is the highest ranking UNSC officer shown in the entire Halo Trilogy.
  • Lord Hood's military decorations are (from top left) the Combat Action Ribbon, the Joint Service Meritorious Unit Commendation, the Navy "E" Ribbon, the Meritorious Unit Commendation, the Navy Rifle Marksman Ribbon, the Medal of Honor, the Purple Heart, and the Navy and Marine Corps Medal. It is odd that he wears his high-ranking medals below the lesser non-medal ribbons, although UNSC uniform regulations in 2552 are probably different from those in the present-day military.


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