Spieler:UNSC Marine Corps/Nils Thune

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Nils Thune
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  • Gouverneur
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Nils Thune

Governor Nils Thune was the jolly and enthusiastically optimistic Governor of Harvest [1] until the planet's fall in 2525. At first oblivious to Jilan al-Cygni's role as an ONI "spook", he was furious upon learning that not only had she lied about her reason for being there, but that the Colonial Militia detachment he had approved was actually meant to be a covert anti-insurgency unit. Ignoring the near-inevitable future hostilities between the human colonists and the Covenant emissaries, blindly hoping for a peaceful and prosperous relationship with the Covenant, he was nearly killed during a meeting with Jiralhanae representatives of the Covenant. His foolishness eventually resulted in al-Cygni being forced to remove him from power by paralyzing him with TTR rounds.


   * Thune war ein Lutheraner.
   * Thune wurde in Minnesota geboren.
   * Er hat zwei Bodyguards, Lars und Finn.
   * Es ist unbekannt was mit ihm nach dem angriff auf Harvest passierte, ob er ins Gefängnis gesteckt wurde oder sein Fluchttransport zerstört wurde.
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