Spieler:UNSC Marine Corps/Organization

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Vereinigte Erdregierung und Vereinte Nationen

  • Koloniale Administrations Authorität
    • Central Command (CENTCOM)
      • United Nations Space Command Defense Force
        • High Command (HIGHCOM)
          • UNSC Security Committee
          • UNSC Security Council
            • Administrative
              • Personnel Command (PERSCOM)
              • Navigation Command (NAVCOM)
              • UNSC Astrophysics
              • UNSC Medical Corps (MEDCORPS)
              • UNSC Engineering Corps (ENGCORP)
              • UNSC Logistical Corps
              • Operational Test and Evaluation Center
              • UNSC Ordnance Committee
            • Uniformed Services
              • UNSC Navy
                • Fleet Command (FLEETCOM)
                  • Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)
                    • Office of Investigations (OI)
                    • UNSC Prowler Corps
                    • UNSC Special Forces (NAVSPECWAR)
                      • Project ORION
                        • SPARTAN-I Program
                      • SPARTAN-II Program
                      • Beta-5 Division
                        • SPARTAN-III Program
                  • Signal Corps
              • UNSC Marine Corps
                • UNSC Marine Infantry
                • UNSC Marine Aviation
                • Logistical Operations Command
                • UNSC Marine Military Police
                • UNSC Special Forces
                  • Orbital Drop Shock Troopers
              • UNSC Army
                • UNSC Army
                • UNSC Colonial Militia
              • UNSC Air Force
        • Anderes
          • UNSC Symphony Orchestra
        • Kommerziell
          • Department of Commercial Shipping

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