Proximo Colonies/En

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< Proximo Colonies
Version vom 29. Juni 2010, 20:25 Uhr von Proximo Colonies (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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The storys of Proximo Colonies

Mainsite | Story Practice | 117-120 | 121-130 | 131-140 | 141-150 | 151-160 | 161-170 | 171-180 | 181-190 | 191-200 | 201-210 | 211-220 | 221-230


While everything in this story is fictional, and the ideas are independent of any other story, some of the technologies, races and descriptions are simular to those of the StarTrek universe. Many of the events of this story are actual events that happend in the browser game Space Trek New Empire (htt:// I do not wish to slow you down with dull facts, and would rather you read the storys...


Proximo Colonies 1-116 als PDF: (19.03.09)
Proximo Colonies 117- als PDF: (19.03.09)

Link zum Browsergame Spacetrek New Empire: