Race: Kaerden

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Version vom 28. Juli 2009, 10:27 Uhr von KaerdenUnion (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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The Kaerden (singular 'Kaerda') occupy a sector of the Beta Quadrent known as the Kaerd Sector, the most prominent feature of which is a black hole.



the Kaerden are a race of Humanoids carchterised by being a vigilant and noble people who are very cautious of those who are Non-Kaerden.



a typicul adult stands at around 5'8"-6'1" upright, with slick black, sometimes brown, hair which does not cover the sides of their head. Ear lobes resemling a Cardassian's, a prominent ridge-like brow extending to the upper edge of the earlobe and mottled skin at certain points of the body, the patterns are not random and a line of symmetry can be drawn vertically down their bodies. they also carry a tan complexion, with slightly darker being less common but not unheard of.

A typical member of the species reaches maturity from birth in 16 standard years. but it is 28 of local years. having lifespans of around 170, but only showing signs of ageing at 135. Kaerden pregnency lasts 9 local months (NOTE: Local years/months in this case = Years on Kaerd)


Kaerden intelligence is on par with typical Human intellect. however there are some differences in their behaviour

Racial cautiousness

Kaerden are very cautious of those around them whom are not of Kaereden descent. the reason for this is through the development of strong inter-family relations at a previous stage of evolution. this also means that trust between Kaerden is built up quickly, with more reinfoced bonds between them compared to levels of trust formed by other lifeforms. A Kaerda with strong levels of trust to another has a 'life-duty' to the recipiant which goes both ways.

trust between Kaerden and non-Kaerden often takes longer to form, but it is not impossible or a slow process. however the non-Kaerden must be aware of this. unlike with Humans, once Kaerden trust is broken, it can be many years before that trust is re-established

Technological Ability

the Kaerden are not unfamilliar, or afraid of Technology, their belief in 'Technological Enlightenment' is that one day they will have the power to send Ebon'Kurze (a God living in a nearby Neutron Star) and his home into the abyss, and thus end suffering in the sector. The idea of replacing body parts for machines is shunned in Kaerden Society, any who does so becomes what is known as a "Khour'Savar", or 'Tech Slave'. people who are to become Ebon'Kurze's warlike servants.

Views on the Borg

Kaerden believe the Borg in legend (due to no known first contact) as Ebon'Kurze's servants in the physical realm. beleiving their proccess of Assimilation is to bring more Tech Slaves under his will. as such, diplomacy between the Borg and the Kaerd is even more impossible than usual (the latter prefering to destroy any trace of the Borg)

Warp Technology

so far the Kaerden have only pioneered into Warp 3, and this was only done through restoring Derelict ships found in the sector. effectively, this would class them as warp-capable, but not to an extend they are worthy (in terms of the Prime Directive) to pe part of the Galactic community, seeing as how they don't have their own warp drive Technology.


the main beliefs revolve around three main Gods, whose homes are galactic bodies with portals to their realm. these portals can only be seen by the dead, and servants of these Gods. both of which are either dead, or unbable to communicate with the physical realm. the main gods of Kaerden belief are:

List of Gods

while there are three dominant Gods in Kaerden religion, they also have servants


he is the Creator God, legend tells he tore a rip into reality, and slowly crafted the universe. world-by-world. and when it was done, he returned to the rift he made, eventually he sculpted the other Gods. unlike other Gods, his name is singular, not two words, and he is not named after his home.

Appearence: Aro is possibly Vulcan-like in appearence and nature, although he does not wish to show himself to the outside.

Servants: Aro has no Servants, being the creator


Kahed is the Godess of light, she resides in a gravometric anomoly of the same name. her domain is said to be the afterlife, so it is fitting her name means 'After Home'. it is said she protected the Kaerden through the arms of her domain (the nebulae that form a spiral) for some strange reason, nothing is being pulled into the hole beyond the naebula cluster at it's close proximity. while she may be the godess of Light and good, she is still wrathfl. she agreed to protect the Kaerden on the condition that she is respected. disrespect includes the following

  • Refusal in her Existance
  • Insulting her
  • defacing one of her temples
  • using her name in curse
  • travelling close to her home

Appearence: Kahed was said to be more beutiful than any could imagine, to any lifeform, a pure white light is said to raidate from her body, and her voice as soft as the wind.

Servants: Kahed's servants are the disrespectful, they maintain her home and care for those who died and are her guests. their life force was said to be forcibly shunted from the material, and reformed in her home.


Ebon is the God of destruction and death, his name means 'Black Death' on the account that he lives inside a Neutron star. it was said when he was born he fought against Aro for dominance in the universe. for this, he was Imprisoned inside a Neutron Star. ironic for his name.

Appearence: Ebon is believed to be sinister. he has Romulan Features, but is much, much more sadistic, his skin is as black as a void, he takes delight in suffering and pain.

Servants: unlike Kahed, Ebon's servants are not just from the sector, it is believed the Borg are his personal army, their task to forsake as many lives to his cause, as cybernetic is shunned in Kaerden society.